Shooting on Film

        Two things I learned from shooting on film: to hold myself accountable to more self-confidence and to think more. With digital technology, I have found myself comforted by the immediacy of feedback. Having to wait for the images to develop was a challenge because I was worried I did not accurately read the lighting or the tones within my shooting locations. Now when I shoot on digital camera, I am going to challenge myself to look at my LCD once. This will build a confidence within myself to trust in my own abilities and decisions, as a filmmaker and photographer. Another thing I learned was to think more. It challenged me to think more about my compositions and the amount of images I take when I am taking shooting on digital because when you’re shooting on film you look at your subjects or scene and consider it with a careful eye. You evaluate if it is worthy taking— something I am not good at because of my explorative compulsivity. 


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